Empowering our community

DPCA meeting Wednesday 
December 18 at 7:00 pm
via Zoom :              

Meeting ID : 823 5837 3421 

Passcode :    133085

Meeting to elect DPCA Officers

Together We Make a Difference

Membership Fees 
Household membership $20 per year
Business membership $ 50 per year

To be eligible to join DPCA, you must be a resident of Dearnley Park and/or operate a business that is located in Dearnley Park . Fees should be paid by check or money order, and made payable to Dearnley Park Civic Association. 

Send checks to Val Hallman, Treasurer, Dearnley Park Civic Association, 7511 Lawn Street, Philadelphia PA 19128. 
Please include the following information: 
Your name, address, phone number and email address which will be used for our mailing list only.

Join us!

ZBA Public Hearing for 7330 Ridge Avenue proposal for 12 single family houses  was held via Zoom on October 30 at 2:00 PM 

This public hearing was continued , and the resumptive hearing date is December 17 , at 9:30 AM 

 The meeting ID is  820 8829 2595 and the passcode is 634842. 

Previous notice of public meeting: 

NOTICE TO REGISTERED COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS AND NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS  PURSUANT TO 14-303(12 ZBA Hearing DateOctober 302024 at 2:00 p.m. ZBA Calendar #MI-2024-003086  7330 Ridge AvenuePhiladelphiaPA  Project Description:   The design of this proposed project has been revised since the last public meeting held to discuss this project on July 9, 2024. This is a notice of upcoming PUBLIC MEETINGS to discuss the project described below. All Registered Community Organizations that have geographic boundaries containing the project property and all community members are welcome to attend.  This information was shared by Klehr Harrison Harvey Branzburg LLP, who are representing Terra Firma 7330 Ridge LLC . Property Description: 7330 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128. The property is zoned Residential Single Family Detached - 3 (RSD-3) and located in the Open Space and Natural Resources- Steep Slope Protection area, the Fourth District Overlay District, the Narcotics Injection Site Overlay District and the Wissahickon Watershed Overlay. The project now proposes the new construction of twelve (12) single- family homes with twelve (12) accessory parking spaces. Refusals  We are in the process of obtaining an updated Notice of Refusal for the revised project design. We anticipate this project will receive a refusal for the following reasons: (1) No more than one principal building is allowed per lot in RSD, RSA and RTA zoning districts. Multiple principal buildings may be placed on a single lot in the RM and RMX districts. (2) The proposed use, classified as multi-family under the Code, is not permitted in this district. 

Please review the zoning posters for the date of the PUBLIC HEARING to be held by the City of Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment located a1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102 (or online, via Zoom) on the issue. The ZBA hearing date, along with hearing access instructions, can also be found at the ZBA hearing calendar site, here: https://www.phila.gov/zba/appeals-calendar. Application materials can be viewed by contacting the Applicant at the e-mail address noted above. Interested parties may appear at the Public Meeting or Virtual Public Hearing and speak on the matter or may file written comments by contacting the Applicant at the e-mail address indicated above.


DPCA votes overwhelmingly NOT to support the 7330 Ridge Avenue proposal 
 At the October 16 meeting of DPCA, a vote was taken by DPCA on the proposal by Terra Firma 7330 Ridge LLC to build 12 single family houses and 12 accessory parking spaces on the lot at 7330 Ridge Avenue.  DPCA members voted overwhelmingly NOT to support the project. 
Dearnley Park residents still have concerns about density, the close spacing ( 8' to 10 ') of the units,  parking, traffic circulation, vehicular access and especially  emergency vehicle access. The Planned Unit Development / HOA, non-union contractors and sub-standard wages, muddy streets from construction vehicles, trash collection, landscaping, tree removal, window design, water runoff, the cost of the units ( $700,000 + ) and middle-class access to housing in Roxborough, the integration of a cul-de-sac or turn-around within the development, and the Installation of a ‘right turn only’ sign at the central access road in the development were also part of the reason for us to vote not to support the project.  As the governing civic, DPCA’s opposition to the Terra Firma LLC proposal will be included at the ZBA resumptive hearing on December 17

If you oppose this proposal, for the above reasons
( too dense , poor traffic circulation that will be threat to public safety) , please send letters to the ZBA at rcozba@phila.gov  by the deadline of December 14
( three days before the hearing ). 
Agenda for Dec 18 
DPCA  meeting
There will be an election of officers on December 18, at our DPCA meeting. If you would like to run for any of the four offices, please let Val, Shavonne, Frannie or Dot know,  and your name will be added to the slate. To be a nominee, you must be a paid-up member of DPCA and you must be a resident or business operator within the Dearnley Park territory. To vote in the election, you also must be a member of DPCA. An in-person vote will occur on December 18 at our meeting on Zoom. 
At this time, the list of declared candidates for the offices are: 

For President: Dot French 
For Vice-President : Shavonne George 
For Treasurer: Val Hallman 
For Secretary: Cheryl Jarvis Johnson. 

The deadline for nominations for the DPCA officers' election is  December 1, 2024. 

 Other business, to be added.

Zoom Meeting ID : 823 5837 3421 
Passcode : 133085
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Dearnley Park Civic Association is dedicated to improving the quality of life in our local communities through advocacy and community service. We strive to bring together diverse groups to work on common goals and foster a stronger, more united neighborhood.
Interim Officers:  
Dot French  President
Shavonne George  Vice President
Val Hallman  Treasurer
Frannie Costa Secretary

Join Our Mission
Become a force for positive change and preservation in our neighborhood. DPCA meetings are scheduled quarterly, on the third Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM, via Zoom. The next meeting of DPCA will be held on December 18. Special meetings may occur if circumstances arise.  

Advocacy Programs

Shawmont School Library Fundraiser – Forwarded information and included web information https://www.givecampus.com/schools/TheFundfortheSchoolDistrictofPhiladelphia/a-new-chapter-begins-shawmont-elementary-s-library-renovation/?a=1

Community Cleanups

Aaron Couch , President of neighboring civic Residents of Shawmont Valley Association, invited members of DPCA to partner with RSVA in any upcoming community clean-up projects . These may target Shawmont and Umbria streets, and DPCA will support this initiative.

Geographic Boundaries 
Going in a clockwise loop: the geographic boundaries of the Dearnley Park Civic Association begin at the corner of Ridge Avenue and Shawmont Avenue;  down Ridge Avenue until Harmon Road; down Harmon Road and then along Fowler Street to Domino Lane; down Domino Lane to  Umbria Street and along Umbria until Shawmont Avenue; up Shawmont Avenue and back to Ridge Avenue.  
Statement of Purpose
Develop and maintain an informed community to 
support decisions that best serve our neighborhood.

Promote pride and unity in our neighborhood.

Support enhanced social and economic functioning of     
our neighborhood. 

Inform the community of future development in the 
neighborhood and support maintaining the historical structures and the green space of our community. 

  • Dearnley Park Philadelphia , United States
Local Links
The Roxborough Manayunk Wissahickon Historical Society  : rmwhs.org